Businesses encounter this a lot- inquiries before or after purchasing their product or service. These types of questions are typically handed by the sales team which is often wasting valuable time responding to the same question over and over. Creating informative video/ tutorials that address these common questions can enhance customer satisfaction while also increasing sales productivity.
-Businesses encounter this a lot- inquiries before or after purchasing their product or service. These types of questions are typically handed by the sales team which is often wasting valuable time responding to the same question over and over. Creating informative video/ tutorials that address these common questions can enhance customer satisfaction while also increasing sales productivity.
Special Event coverage scheduling
2 shoot days a month 4 hours max each to film Micro Content
15-30 shorts a month to boost social presence
1-2 special cinematics (Testimonial, brand, ad)
30-60 photos for every day social postings
(Discussion to switch/ replace monthly)
Get in contact with me and we can go over what you're thinking!
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